Health Tips

When to keep your child home from school:
If your child is unable to participate fully in school activities because of illness
When your child has a contagious condition or a rash with an unknown cause
When your child has had a fever of 100°F or more within the last 24 hours when not taking fever-reducing medications
If your child has had vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours or is unable to eat normally
If your child has been diagnosed with strep throat and has not been taking antibiotic medication or at least 24 hours
If your child requires medication for fever or ongoing pain relief
If your child has red/pink eyes with drainage
If your child has chicken pox, he or she must stay home until all lesions have scabbed over
If your child has active head lice he or she must be treated and be seen by the school nurse prior to returning to school
Please contact the school nurse when:
Your child's health status has changed
Your child has had a recent serious illness, injury, surgery or hospitalization
Your child has been diagnosed with a contagious condition such as: strep throat, chicken pox, whooping cough, head lice, scabies, flu, Coxsackie virus
Your child will be late to school or absent
Your child cannot participate fully in Physical Education or recess
There are family changes or other concerns that may affect your child in school