Residency Requirements

File:  JFA



It is the intent of the Nashoba Regional School District School Committee that children who actually reside within the Nashoba Regional School District may attend the Nashoba Regional School District Schools; others may not. Residency for students is defined as living and sleeping within the Nashoba Regional School District at least four nights a week.

For students whose residency is in transition, the following may apply,with prior written approval of the Superintendent of Schools:

New students whose families are building a primary residence within the Nashoba Regional School District may enroll in the Nashoba Regional School District Schools at the beginning of the school year if their home construction has completed the Town's insulation inspection by August 1 of that year. For all other new students with new construction,a Town occupancy permit is required for enrollment.

New students whose families are purchasing an existing primary residence within the Nashoba Regional School District may enroll in the Nashoba Regional School District Public Schools at the beginning of the school year if they have a signed and accepted Purchase and Sale Agreement, a signed statement from a bank officer that a mortgage has been approved, and a scheduled closing date no later than Oct. 1 of that year.

New students whose families will be renting a primary residence within the Nashoba Regional School District may enroll in the Nashoba Regional School District Schools at the beginning of the school year if they have a signed lease with evidence of financial commitment, and an occupancy date no later than October 1 of that year.

Current Nashoba Regional School District students whose families are moving from one residence to another within the Nashoba Regional School District or who are renovating their current residence, and who must briefly reside elsewhere during the transition period, may continue to attend the Nashoba Regional School District Schools if they have a house under construction or renovation within the Nashoba Regional School District and if they can provide documentation that they will be moving back into Nashoba Regional School District within three months. The Superintendent may, at his/her discretion, grant an extension of this deadline on a case-by-case basis, provided that such extension is, in the superintendent's professional opinion, in the best interest of the enrolled student(s)."

Current Nashoba Regional School District students whose families move out of town after April 1 may complete that school year in the Nashoba Regional School District.

During all of these transition periods, transportation to and from school is the physical and financial responsibility of the family.

Families must notify the Superintendent of Schools in writing in advance of any address changes.

First Reading:                             December 11, 2008
Second Reading:                         January 8, 2009
Adopted:                                      January 8, 2009